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Bedford, TX

Electrical Services Bedford

When it comes to electrical services in Bedford, there is only one name you need to know Daniel Electric Company. 

We are a family-owned electrical company, so you know that when you hire us, you will get a pair of hands on deck to keep your home or business running smoothly. With us, you are getting an electrician who knows his stuff, has all the proper licensing and work experience, and a team of experts ready to help you out when in trouble. All our technicians are licensed, drug-tested, and insured to ensure you can count on them 100%. 

Furthermore, we offer free quotes on all work, so you won’t have any unexpected surprises when it comes time for your invoice. With over 30 years of experience working with our clients in Bedford, we are proud to say that we are the best electrical service company in town.

Need a pro to handle your electrical needs in Bedford? Call us at 817-481-8606 to schedule an appointment.

Bedford, TX

Electricians Serving Bedford and the Surrounding Areas

Our team of professional electricians is here to help you understand your options, choose the right package for your needs and put it all into motion. Whether you need a new lighting system installed or just want to ensure your existing wiring is up-to-date and safe, we will take care of it all.

You can trust us because we have years of experience working with all kinds of different homes and businesses across the area. From townhouses to large apartment complexes, our team has handled everything from small house repairs to complete electrical renovation. And they do it all while keeping the customers happy every step of the way.


Signs You Need Electrical Repair

Don’t try to fix electrical problems yourself. It’s easy to think you can do anything yourself, but you could be causing more problems than you are solving. The last thing you want is for your house to catch fire or electrocute itself, and that’s exactly what can happen if you try DIY electrical fixes. If you don’t know what you are doing, there could be serious consequences. This is why Daniel Electric Company offers professional electrical services in Bedford.

If you have any of the following signs, you should call us immediately for repairs. 

  • Your lights are flickering or not working, or your house is dark
  • You hear strange noises coming from your power outlets
  • You smell smoke or burning
  • You see sparks or hear wires popping and cracking, possibly leading to a fire

Daniel Electric Company can help you with any issues you may have with your electrical system. We will come to your home or business, diagnose your electrical system and perform the necessary repairs. Don’t forget that we offer 24/7 emergency services, so you don’t have to worry about finding someone at the last minute. We understand that emergencies happen, and we want to be there for you.

Contact Daniel Electric for quality electrical services in Bedford.

Electrical panel repair & Replacement

Electrical Panel Repair & Replacement Services in Bedford

Your electrical panel is a system of wires, switches, and other components that control the flow of electricity in your home or business. Unfortunately, most people don’t think about their electrical panels. But it’s a critical piece of equipment in your home, and if it malfunctions, you could lose power or experience other serious problems. 

For instance, if you have trouble with your lights, fans, or other appliances, the culprit might be a loose connection or broken wires  in the panel. Also, corrosion on internal metal parts is common in older electrical panels, leading to further problems if left untreated. A circuit breaker that keeps tripping, unusual noises, and lights that keep going off also indicate panel problems. When your panel begins to act up, call the professionals at Daniel Electric for repairs. We can take care of all types of electrical panels, from large commercial properties to small residential properties. 

However, if your electrical panel is older than 10 years, you should consider an upgrade. Panels are designed to last a long time, and they still function even if they are old. But as they age, they become more susceptible to breakdowns, and repair costs pile up fast, making panel replacement a better option. We can replace the old panel with a newer one that’s more durable and will last longer. With a new panel, you will get more power and lower energy costs with minimal disruption to your day-to-day life.

For exceptional panel repair or replacement services, call us at 817-481-8606.

Whole House Surge Protection

Whole House Surge Protection Installation Services in Bedford

In an electrical circuit, a power surge can damage components such as conductors, insulators, and grounding systems. Eventually, the components fail due to voltage spikes, which can result in power outages.

A whole house surge protector can protect your whole house from surges caused by lightning or other natural disasters. It does this by providing a comprehensive array of protection that prevents damage from occurring at critical points of your electrical system. You can benefit from whole house surge protection installation by:

  • Protecting your electrical system from damage caused by lightning strikes and other power surges
  • Protecting your data lines, telephone lines, and cable TV from damage caused by power surges
  • Reducing your monthly electricity bill depending on how much you use each month

When you hire us, we will install surge protection devices in every room in your house, including all the lighting, appliances, and electronics. We will wrap each device in insulation layers so that even if a voltage spike occurs during installation, none of it will be exposed to the outside world. We will also install surge protectors at each receptacle in your home so that if there is an unexpected power failure within those devices, they won’t be damaged by any sudden spikes or drops in voltage levels.

Call us for whole house surge protection installation in your Bedford home.

EV CHarging station

EV Charging Station Installation Services in Bedford

Tired of having to run around town to charge your car? Do you hate the idea of waiting in line to get gas at the service station? If so, our EV charging station installation in Bedford could be for you. Here are some of the benefits.

  • You can charge your car at home or work so that you can drive longer distances without worrying about running out of charge
  • You never have to worry about using the last bit of fuel in your tank. You can always plug in and keep going
  • You will save money on gas because you won’t need to make multiple trips back and forth from dead batteries. Instead, just plug it in and go

If this sounds like something you want, Daniel Electric Company can help. Our team knows what it takes to install an EV charging station, and we have the expertise to ensure your home is fully prepared for the installation process. Our team will work with you closely throughout the process, so you don’t have to worry about any technical details or electronic systems. We take care of everything from start to finish.

Our goal is to ensure your home is ready for its new EV charging station as soon as possible. And if there are any problems along the way, our team can solve them quickly and efficiently.

Ready to get started on your new project? Call us at 817-481-8606, and we will be happy to help.

Commercial electrician

Commercial Electrician Services in Bedford

There are a lot of reasons why you should hire an electrician for your commercial projects. Firstly, a qualified electrician, like Daniel Electric, can help you with all kinds of projects, from installation to maintenance. They can ensure your electrical system is up to code, so you don’t have to worry about potential hazards or safety issues. They can also help you with any other work that needs to be done on the electrical system, like installing new switches or outlets. And they can even do emergency repairs if things go wrong. 

With Daniel Electric, you are getting someone who knows how to take care of your power needs and who will stay on top of them for years to come. You can count on us for services such as: 

Why Choose Us

Choose Daniel Electric for Fast, Quality Electrical Services in Bedford

We care about your home or business. That’s why we offer fast, reliable, and affordable electrical services in Bedford. Whether you are looking for something small like a new light bulb, or something major like a full-scale commercial installation, we will do our best to ensure you are satisfied with the results. We are also available 24/7 to take care of any electrical emergencies that may arise during the day or night, so there’s no reason not to call us when your lights go out. We take pride in providing exceptional service at affordable prices, so you can rest assured knowing that you will get quality work that’s done right and done right the first time.

Contact us online or call us at 817-481-8606 to enquire about our comprehensive electrical services in Bedford