Whole House Surge Protector

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Whole house surge protector

Best Whole-House Surge Protector Installation in Southlake, TX, with Over 200 5-Star Reviews

Does your home need whole-house surge protector installation from qualified professionals? Call 817-481-8606 to schedule service from Daniel Electric Company.

Have you ever experienced a random electrical blackout? If you’re using an electrical device and it suddenly stops working, your answer to that question is yes. 

While a power outage might seem like a minor inconvenience, these events can threaten the health of your home’s electrical infrastructure. Dangerous power surges usually cause these sudden electrical failures. Surges overflow your system, wiring, and any active appliances with electricity and can damage or destroy them altogether.

Installing a power surge protector offers additional protection for your electrical system and appliances. Learning about the causes and impacts of these events demonstrates why a whole home surge protector might be the best option for your system. Call 817-481-8606 to schedule surge protector installation from Daniel Electric Company today.

Power surge

What Is a Power Surge?

Power surges occur when an electrical panel or system within your home receives a sudden burst of electricity above its volt capacity. Standard residential outlets typically have a 120v capacity. Anything in excess might cause a power surge.

Power surges aren’t just a jolt of electricity, though. When your system receives too much electricity, it burns wires and can completely destroy expensive and important devices, like refrigerators, ovens, toasters, or stoves. 

Additionally, many modern appliances function on microchips. These temperamental devices are sensitive to voltage changes and become damaged during a power surge. The best way to protect your devices is by installing surge protectors.

power surge

Causes of Power Surges in Southlake, TX

Understanding what causes power surges can help you avoid these damaging events. Some of the common causes of power surges include:

Frequent operation of heavy machinery or high-powered electrical devices is one common cause of power surges. These devices can include anything from refrigerators and ovens to power tools. Since some of these heavy-duty appliances require frequent use, consider installing surge protectors.

Thunderstorms and other extreme weather events can cause electrical surges. If lightning strikes your neighborhood power line or compromises a power line’s structure, your home will likely experience a damaging power surge. These events can be so powerful that even the strongest surge protectors won’t be effective.

Even smaller devices with heating components, like hair dryers, curlers, or straighteners, could cause a power surge. Surges caused by smaller devices may only occur at that particular outlet or circuit.

Electrical components that come into contact with water can cause surges. Therefore, laws require surge protectors in any outlets that may come into contact with water, such as in bathrooms and kitchens.

Installation issues with your electrical wiring could cause frequent power surges in your home. If you have frequent blackouts while using multiple appliances, hire professionals to check your wiring. 

Surge protector

What Is a Surge Protector?

Most people don’t realize that they utilize surge protectors almost every day. If you use power strips to plug multiple devices into the same outlet, you’re also using a surge protector. 

A power strip redirects electrical flow from outlets into multiple devices without overpowering the electrical infrastructure. When there is a spike in electricity, the power surge protectors within these devices redirect the excess energy into metal oxide varistors (MOVs) that handle the overflow.

Based on this information, you might think using more power strips is the best way to protect against power surges in your home. However, these devices usually cannot handle more than one or a couple of surges. Installing permanent surge protectors in your home offers the most permanent solution.

power surge protectors

Different Types of Power Surge Protectors

Different power surge protectors offer various degrees of protection for your home. From localized to whole-house surge protection, choosing the right surge protector is crucial to prohibiting damaging power surges throughout your Southlake home. 

whoe house surge protector installation

Why Hire a Professional for Whole-House Surge Protector Installation

Protecting your home’s energy infrastructure requires experience, specialized tools, and protective gear. Hiring professionals for whole-house surge protector installation ensures your system receives the best service with limited issues.

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Enlist Professional Whole-House Surge Protector Installation from Daniel Electric Company

Are you looking for top-rated professionals to install surge protection near me? Daniel Electric Company has been serving Southlake, TX, and the surrounding areas since 1988. Throughout our 35 years of dedicated service to our community, our professionals consistently receive high ratings from clients who receive surge protector installation.

For more information about whole-house surge protector installation from top-rated professionals, call 817-481-8606 to schedule service from Daniel Electric Company today!